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Perforated Stainless Steel Care Guide

Loving the look of your shiny new perforated stainless steel? You’ll want to keep it that way. So, following on from our advice on cleaning perforated aluminium, let’s take a look at perforated stainless steel care and maintenance.

Stainless steel is a popular metal to perforate for many reasons. It’s easy to perforate without compromising strength. And because of its corrosion resistance, it’s one of the most durable metals you can specify.

But although it is low maintenance, it does need some TLC. Which – as we’ve mentioned before – is often a requirement to maintain the warranty of added coatings.

The good news is that perforated stainless steel care and cleaning is actually very easy and does not involve any special materials – the key is to do it regularly. Here’s what you need to do to help maintain the finish and surface.

As this is only a general guide, do remember to talk to our experts for detailed advice on your specific installation.

How to clean perforated stainless steel

For everyday cleaning of perforated stainless steel, simply give it a good rinse with plenty of clean water. This will wash away any surface dirt and corrosive contaminants like salt and industrial pollutants.

For more stubborn dirt, use a mild detergent too. Rinse the metal first, apply the mixture with a soft cloth and rinse clean. To help prevent water staining – which may happen with hard water – dry the surface if you can with a soft cloth.

This gentle cleaning routine can be used for exterior stainless steel that’s un-finished or has coatings and colours applied.

How often does perforated stainless steel need to be cleaned?

How often you need to clean stainless steel depends on a number of factors including the location, the pollutants and corrosives the panels are exposed to and any finish that has been applied.

Metal in a marine environment for instance, or panels in a dry climate that do not receive regular rain washing, will need to be cleaned more often. This is because environmental contaminants such as salt are a cause of ‘tea staining’ – which is the brown surface stains you may see on stainless steel.

In most cases, by cleaning regularly as above, you’ll help to prevent the build-up of cosmetic marks and stains and keep that polished and pristine appearance.

Perforated stainless steel care do’s and don’ts

To make sure your perforated stainless steel looks good for years to come:

  • Do check which grade of stainless steel is suited to your project before you order your panels. There are many types of stainless steel and different finishes available. Talk to the Arrow Metal team for expert advice.
  • Do clean the stainless steel regularly – even if it’s just a simple rinse with clean water.
  • Do make sure there’s good drainage off the surface of your panels to prevent rinsed away contaminants from pooling which can affect the surface.
  • Do try and remove any soiling as soon as it occurs.
  • Don’t use anything abrasive – the stainless steel surface will be scratched.
  • Don’t rub excessively.
  • Don’t use any chemicals or cleaners without checking suitability first – particularly if a coloured finish or coating is applied.

Order perforated stainless steel from Arrow Metal

Chat through your project requirements with our team and we’ll help you to select the right grade, pattern and finish for optimum performance of your perforated stainless steel panels.

We have an extensive range of in-stock and made-to-order perforated stainless steel – download our perforated metal brochure for details. Or we can create custom panels in your own design, precision manufactured using CAD drawing and shipped Australia-wide.

Talk to our team for advice on (02) 9748 2200. Or send us an online enquiry here and we’ll be in touch.

Posted: November 30, 2020

2 responses to “Perforated Stainless Steel Care Guide”

  1. Sandy Cook says:

    If perforated steel is inserted in vertical kitchen cupboards how do you clean off rust and when it is clean what coating should be applied?

    • Arrow Metal says:

      Hi Sandy,
      Thank you very much for the question. One of our consultants will contact you via email with the answer.

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